mars project rules!

Mars Colony Law Codes


101  Immigration

101.1  Everyone going to Mars will be given a background check.
101.2  Every person, adult and child, will be given a physical before going to Mars.
101.3  Everyone will be given a drug test before going to Mars.


201  Criminal

201.1  Persons

201.1a  Non-Violent

201.1a(1)  Misdemeanors: result in a maximum of one year in prison.
201.1a(2)  Felonies: result in maximum of three years in prison.

201.1b  Violent

201.1b(1)  Misdemeanors: result in maximum of two years in prison.
201.1b(2)  Felonies: Results in minimum of two years in prison and a maximum of six years.
201.1b(3)  Capital Offenses: results in banishment from Mars to receive Earth justice.

201.2  Property

201.2a  Misdemeanors: result in a maximum of six months in prison.
201.2b  Felonies: result in minimum of one year in prison and a maximum of eight years.


301  Civil Laws

301.1  Tort Law

301.1a  Any suits with more than $10,000 in dispute will result in all parties being sent back to Earth            for settlement.
301.1b Any suits for $10,000 or less will result in parties going to Mars Court to settle disputes.

301.2  Family Law

301.2a  Minor disputes will be referred to Mars Court.
301.2b  Major disputes such as divorce and child custody shall be handled on Earth.


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