mars project rules!

Mars Colony Constitution


Article I

Section 1

Leadership powers will rest with the Ruling Council.    The Ruling Council will consist of eight members.   There will be 3 members from the United States, 2 members from Europe and Japan, 2 members from Russia and China, and one member from the Third World.

Section 2

Mars society must be in agreement.    Therefore all laws are to be proposed by the Mars colonists.   These laws will be sent to the Ruling Council who will decide to either pass the law or reject it.

Section 3

All members of the Ruling Council will serve two-year terms.    No member may serve more than twice.   A member must be twenty-five years of age.   A member may be of any ethnic background and of either sex.


Article II

Section 1

The President of the Ruling Council will either sign a law or veto it.   The Ruling Council may not override the veto.

Section 2

In case of tie within the Ruling Council, the President of the Ruling Council will then vote to break the tie.

Section 3

Each President will have a two-year term.   No President may serve more than twice.   The President must be thirty years of age.   The President may be of any nationality, ethnic background and of either sex.


Article III

Section 1

A Mars Trial Court and a Mars Appeals Court will hold all judicial power for the Mars Colony.

Section 2

The Mars Trial Court will have jurisdiction over all cases where the amount in dispute does not exceed $10,000 and where the criminal offense is not a capital offense.

Section 3

All cases excluded by Section 2 will be sent to the appropriate Earth court as decided by the Ruling Council.


Article IV

Section 1

Amendments to this Constitution will require a three-fourths vote of all colonists.

Section 2

This Constitution for the Mars Colony was adopted by unanimous consent in keeping with the provisions of Article 6 of the Mars Colonial Treaty.


As attested to this day, April 5, 2034 by the members of the Martian Council.


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